Fix Nepali (Devnagari) texts display problem on Ubuntu

Everytime, I viewed contents with Nepali texts in Unicode in Ubuntu, mostly in browsers, may it be Firefox or Chrome/Chromium and even inside Libre Office applications, the texts failed to display properly.

I didn’t mind it as much. Until today, which caused problems when I had to type some serious stuffs in Nepali and it was very important to have correct display on the screen.

First, I guessed it was the encoding error and tried to change to different view for each page with Nepali (Devnagari) scripts, none of them solved the issue. Some google search also didn’t help much.

I eventually thought there is font rendering issue and decided to download and install fonts/packages manually. Continue reading “Fix Nepali (Devnagari) texts display problem on Ubuntu”

जिमेल फिशिंग नौलो तरिका (New Phishing Attack-Gmail)

हामी मध्ये धेरै ले Gmail प्रयोग गर्ने गर्दछौ। आजभोलि Gmail मा नौलो किसिमको फिसिंग आक्रमण हुने गरेको पाइएको छ । समाचारमा धेरै नआएकाले यसको बारेमा धेरैलाई जानकारी नहुन सक्छ।  यसको प्रभाव बढ्दो छ र यसले हालसम्म कति क्षति गरिसकेको छ भन्ने पनि वास्तविक जानकारी उपलब्ध छैन।  हामी चाहि यसको बारेमा जानकारी राखौ, बेलैमा चनाखो बनौ।
फिसिंग (Phishing) भनेको कुनै प्रख्यात कम्पनि वा संस्थाबाट वास्तबमै पठाएको जस्तो गरि प्राप्त हुने इमेलको माध्ययम बाट गरिने ठगि हो।  यसको मुख्य उद्देश्य नै गोपनीय व्यक्तिगत जानकारी जस्तै पासवर्ड, क्रेडिट कार्ड नम्बर चोर्नु हो जुन चोरहरु ले आफ्नो फाइदाको लागि दुरुपयोग गर्दछन।

यो वर्ष (सन् २०१७) मा भर्खरै निस्किएको यो फिसिंग को तरिका अरु भन्दा भिन्न छ जसका कारण मै हु भन्ने प्राविधिक बुज्रुकहरु (tech savvy) पनि यसको  शिकार भएका छन्।
कसरि हुन्छ यो फिसिंग ?
तपाइको सम्पर्कको कुनै व्यक्ति को इमेल ठेगाना चोरी (hack) भएको छ भने, चोरले पहिले उक्त सम्पर्क व्यक्ति र तपाइकोबीच को सम्बन्धको बारेमा बुझ्दछ।  त्यसपछि  चोरले तपाइको सम्पर्क व्यक्तिको  इमेल खाताबाट  तपाइलाई एउटा attachment   सहितको इमेल पठाऊदछ, यसमा कतिसम्म हुन्छ भने त्यो attachment तपाइले नै पहिले पठाउनु भएको रिपोर्ट,  फर्म, भाषा/हिज्जे सच्च्याउन पठाउनु भएको फाइल, कम्पनीको presentation जस्ता तपाइको लागि महत्वपूर्ण चिज हुनेछ।  तर
तर यो attachment वास्तबमा उक्त चोरले जालझेल गरेर तपाइको व्यक्तिगत विवरण चोर्नका लागि तयार गरेको पासो हो। यो तपाइको लागि यति महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ कि यसलाई खोल्न अब तपाइ  धेरै नै आतुर हुनुहुन्छ जसरि तपाइलाई इमेल पठाउने तपाइको सम्पर्क व्यक्ति पहिलेनै त्यसरी नै यो पासोमा परिसक्नु भयो।
यो attachment को preview देखाउने icon मा जब तपाइले क्लिक गर्नुहुन्छ तब तपाइलाई वास्तविक लाग्ने खालको Gmail साइन इन गर्ने पेज खुल्दछ।  यो पेज हेर्दा दुरुस्तै Gmail को वास्तविक साइन इन पेज जस्तो देखिन्छ।
Gmail Login page
Continue reading “जिमेल फिशिंग नौलो तरिका (New Phishing Attack-Gmail)”

A (mini) Graphene talk

Graphene, the wonder material, one dimensional single atom layer thick, sp2 hybridized Carbon atoms, has been the hottest topic in research these days, since the discovery of its exceptional properties in 2004 by Professor Andre Geim and his team at University of Manchester. Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 was awarded jointly to Professor Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”.

There are now thousands of researchers, scientists, engineers and students who are working on the efficient and commercial production, synthesis, and application of this material. Though graphene applications have remained only inside the laboratories till now, it is expected that, within next few years, we shall see some flexible displays, solar cells, energy storage devices, etc made of graphene.

So what is graphene?
It is harder than diamond, but can stretch like rubber. It is superb conductor of electricity, better than Copper wires. It is almost invisible and weighs almost nothing.
The very same pencil lead (yes, it’s graphite!) that we use for  writing is made of millions of layers of the same material ‘graphene’.

As a student, my encounter with graphene is very new and currently being involved in graphene led me to dig in to the root of the graphene foundation, that is today. From the biography of Professor Andre Geim to the recent studies in production of graphene, I am a learning kid, one of those thousands who are now walking in the graphene road.

Suggestions for further reading in graphene and more:

Graphene (wikipedia article)
Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010
Professor Andre Geim (Biography)
Random Walk to Graphene, (Nobel Lecture by Prof Andre Geim)
Professor Andre Geim

And of course there are thousands of publications, many pioneer scientists and researchers and wide range of publicity about graphene, which I am not able to mention here. If you have (further) questions about this exceptional material after reading this post, my objective is fulfilled. I simply wanted to express how I started and how one could start. If you are now following any of these links above, you are already on the road to GREPHENE.